Festival Team

Artistic Director: Kate Gould
Festival Manager: Lucy Bending
Social Media Manager: Fiona Edmondson
Friends Coordinator: Richard Thomas
Mailing List Coordinators: Tim and Maureen Cox

The Trustees

Tony Stoller  Chair
David Blunt
Kate Gould
Julian Milford
Carol Orchard
Miranda Paterson
Katrina Tanner
Richard Thomas

To contact the Festival, please email: manager@winchesterchambermusic.com

For information about becoming a Friend, Associate, Patron or supporter,
please email: friends@winchesterchambermusic.com

For sponsorship and advertising enquiries, please email manager@winchesterchambermusic.com


Whilst we have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the Festival programme and the information on this website, we reserve the right to make changes where necessary.

Kate Gould pic credits throughout the site: Dan Reid

The Winchester Chamber Music Festival is a Charitable Incorporated Organisation registered in England and Wales No. 1160142.

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